Plastic exports triple for Bangladesh in 13 Years

plastic exports

Bangladesh’s plastic product exports have soared, tripling in value over the past 13 years, thanks to a surge in local production of high-quality goods.

The Bangladesh Plastic Goods Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BPGMEA) reported that plastic exports reached $209.86 million in the 2022-23 fiscal year, compared to just $68.76 million in 2010-11.

This impressive growth has propelled Bangladesh to become the 12th largest exporter of plastic products worldwide, with further potential on the horizon. BPGMEA president Shamim Ahmed expressed confidence in the industry’s future, touting Bangladesh’s ability to meet global standards and compete in the international market.

The upcoming International Plastic Fair (IPF) will take place on January 24th, bringing together exhibitors from 20 countries across the globe. Over 350 local and international companies will display their latest plastic products and technologies at the event, held at the International Convention City Bashundhara in Dhaka.

Local plastic manufacturers export to 126 countries, including major markets like the USA, Canada, and the European Union. With a 20% annual growth rate and the establishment of new factories, Bangladesh’s plastic industry is poised for further expansion, solidifying its position as a key player in the global market.

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