With a view to building the capacity of people with disabilities and making society more inclusive for all individuals, MTB Foundation organized the second session regarding the ‘Sensitisation on Disability Inclusion’ program at the Mutual Trust Bank Limited (MTB) in partnership with Bangla-desh Business & Disability Network (BBDN), said a company statement.
The sensitization session, attended by MTBians of different hierarchies of the bank, was inaugurated by Rais Uddin Ahmad, Deputy Managing Director & CAMLCO of Mutual Trust Bank Ltd. (MTB).
Samia Chowdhury, Chief Executive Officer of MTB Foundation, moderated the session to build awareness about disability inclusion along with making the workplace disability-friendly, according to a press release.
During the session, Aziza Ahmed, Head of Operations from BBDN, pointed out the barriers facing persons with disabilities (PwDs) while seeking employment.
He also provided direction for the inclusion of PwDs in the workplace.
The session was made interactive for participants who discussed different aspects and benefits of employing PwDs in the organisation.
The first session on ‘Sensitisation on Disability Inclusion’ was inaugurated by Syed Mahbubur Rahman, Managing Director & CEO of Mutual Trust Bank (MTB) Ltd. in the presence of the senior management team at the Corporate Head Office of Mutual Trust Bank Ltd. (MTB) during the first quarter of the year.
MTB Foundation, through these sessions, intends to help attain Sustainable Development Goal-1 (Zero Poverty), SDG-8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth), and SDG-10 (Reduced Inequalities).