Japan eyes expansion in Bangladesh’s manufacturing sector

Japanese Ambassador to Bangladesh, Iwama Kiminori, has expressed his country’s keen interest in increasing investments in Bangladesh’s manufacturing sector. The announcement came during a bilateral meeting with Education Minister Mohibul Hasan Chowdhury held in the National Parliament on Sunday.

The Japanese envoy highlighted Japan’s readiness to enhance collaboration with Bangladeshi universities and foster deeper educational ties. This includes investment in manufacturing and a focus on educational and vocational training to equip Bangladeshi students with the skills required for modern industrial sectors, particularly in robotics and manufacturing.

The Japanese government aims to boost connections between Bangladeshi and Japanese universities. This initiative is part of a broader strategy to create a skilled workforce that can contribute to both nations’ economies.

Ambassador Kiminori emphasized the importance of retraining Bangladeshi students and preparing them for employment in Japanese industrial factories. The focus areas include advanced fields such as robotics and manufacturing, where Japan holds substantial expertise.

Education Minister Mohibul Hasan Chowdhury welcomed these initiatives, assuring support for enhancing educational collaboration. He emphasized the importance of starting from the university level and extending to technical and vocational training.

“We are committed to supporting any initiative by the Japanese government that aims to improve the skills of our students through information technology and technical and vocational training,” the minister said.

To facilitate these initiatives, Minister Mohibul expressed a strong interest in incorporating Japanese language courses into university curricula. This step is seen as crucial for bridging communication gaps and fostering deeper cultural and educational ties between the two countries.

Furthermore, the minister proposed introducing a teacher exchange program. This initiative aims to enhance the skills of secondary-level teachers in Bangladesh through training by Japanese educators. The exchange program is envisioned to improve the quality of education and pedagogical methods, ultimately benefiting students at various educational levels.

Japan’s interest in Bangladesh’s manufacturing sector is part of a broader strategy to diversify its investments and tap into the growing potential of emerging markets. With its strategic location and growing economy, Bangladesh presents a promising opportunity for Japanese companies seeking to expand their manufacturing capabilities.

Ambassador Kiminori’s discussions with Minister Mohibul also emphasised the importance of creating a conducive environment for Japanese investments. This includes ensuring regulatory support, providing necessary infrastructure, and fostering a skilled workforce that can meet the demands of modern manufacturing industries.

The proposed initiatives align with Bangladesh’s goals to enhance the employability of its workforce. By partnering with Japanese institutions, Bangladesh aims to provide its students with world-class training and exposure to advanced technologies.

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