Dr. Salim Re-appointed as the Chairman of BHBFC

 The Financial Institutions Department (FID) of the Ministry of Finance re-appointed professor Dr. Md. Salim Uddin FCA, FCMA as the chairman of Bangladesh House Building Finance Corporation(BHBFC)’s Board of Directors on February 28.

Dr. Salim, Professor of Accounting Department of Chittagong University, got this appointment in the same position for the fourth time.

Dr. Salim, a prominent accountant of the country, is currently serving as the president of the The Institute of Cost and Management Accountants of Bangladesh (ICMAB) and the chairman of the board of directors of Union Bank. Previously, he sarved as the Chairman of the Executive Committee of Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited, Rupali Investment Ltd. and as a Director of Chittagong Stock Exchange Ltd.

Dr. Salim was born in a noble Muslim family in 1966 in Daulatpur village of FatikchariUpazila of Chittagong. He obtained a master’s degree securing the position of 1st class-first from the accounting department of Chittagong University and joined the same department in teaching profession.

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