Bangladeshi garment factory sets green record

garment factory

A garment factory in Gazipur, Bangladesh, named SM Sourcing, has achieved the highest rating of 106 out of 110 from an international green building certification agency.

This achievement, received on Tuesday, surpasses the previous record set by another local factory.

SM Sourcing’s efforts in energy savings, water conservation, increased daylight utilization, and renewable energy sourcing played a significant role in securing this global top spot.

Previously, the record was held by Green Textile Limited Unit 4, a joint concern of Epic Group and Envoy Legacy, which scored 104 out of 110 earlier this year.

These certifications are issued under the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) green building rating system by the United States Green Building Council, with platinum being the highest category.

Bangladesh stands as the country with the most green garment factories globally, with 206 LEED-certified factories. Among these, 76 are platinum-rated, 116 are gold, 10 are silver, and four meet the minimum requirements.

In 2023, 24 garment factories received LEED certifications, including 16 platinum and eight gold ratings.

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